Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

February 2025 Neighborhood Group Meetings & Upcoming Special Events

Happy Valentine’s Day! Our Neighborhood Groups have a wide variety of projects planned again for this month, plus we have some information about upcoming special events. Check it all out below. And remember to look at our Facebook page often to keep up with the fun. Go to Facebook and search for American Sewing Guild Fort Wayne IN Chapter.

*  Monday, February 3 – Birds of a Feather NG celebrating Singer Featherweights, 12:30 p.m. at the Delphos Public Library ANNEX ROOM (a separate building behind the library), 309 W. 2nd St., Delphos, OH 45833. (Corner of 2nd & N. Jefferson St.) Kathy Stemen will teach how to use a buttonholer on the Featherweight. They will be sewing on their own projects. It will be fun sharing ideas. Contact Kathy Stemen (

* Thursday, February 6 – Sew Inclined (formerly Southwest Sews and Pieced Together),
1:30-4 p.m. at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). It’s open sewing day, plus Brenda will show us samples of sweatshirt jackets she has made so we can strategize and prepare for that project for our March meeting. Contact Brenda Gensic ( / Debbie Morgan ( 

* Friday, February 8 - Angel Gowns Sewing Day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Conference Room C at PRMC. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend. If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown. Contact Barb Kramer (

* Tuesday, February11 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Lydia Young will teach us how to add a butterfly applique design to the side seam of a shirt. She created the beautiful design and will have the design files and instructions available for transfer at the meeting. Contact Sherry Filson ( 

* Monday February 17 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. It’s all about those regular and special-purpose presser feet abounding in our sewing machine accessory tray. Marilyn Morgan will present the program, and everyone is asked to bring a foot they enjoy using or maybe never have used but want to. Bring show and tell, optional lunch out afterwards.  Contact Marilyn Morgan (

* Tuesday, February18 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon in a private home. It’s all about lingerie this month and next. Join the pros to tackle fit and sewing camisoles, and to delve into the making of bras that actually fit. Contact Darlene Hoover (

* Friday, February 28 – Let’s Sew Clothes NG, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, IN. Come and draft patterns, sew them up and get help and inspiration with designing, constructing, remaking clothes and even pattern hacking. This group has an unstructured format – bring your project and get to work. Bring lunch or there are restaurants nearby. If you are new to the group, please contact Debbie Morgan, leader, for church entry instructions and information. (


Upcoming Special Events

Our annual Mystery Quilt

Mark Your Calendar! Fabric requirements and the first cutting instructions can be found on our website at The fun begins on YouTube, Saturday, February 8 at 10 a.m. and every hour thereafter until all the “clues” are revealed. If you are a first timer, just visit our YouTube channel and watch previous Mystery Quilt videos to see what to expect. Go to YouTube and search for “ASG Fort Wayne.”


Retreat Happiness!

Sewing, Quilting, Crafting Daytime Retreat, sponsored by Sew Creative, Van Wert NG will be held February 19-21 at the Middle Point Community Building at the Ballpark. This is a very popular, fun event the NG holds twice a year. Set up begins at 8:30 Wednesday, Feb. 19 with sewing beginning at 10 a.m. Doors open again at 9 a.m. each day. Cost is $40 for all three days. All members are welcome, but very limited space is left so register soon. The registration form was emailed with the January NG Happenings and is also available on our website at


May 6-9 – Tuesday through Friday will be our Annual Chapter Sewing Retreat in Shipshewana.  We have some surprises in store for you! If you haven’t already, reserve your sleeping room at the Blue Gate Garden Inn.  Be sure to tell them you are with the Fort Wayne Chapter, ASG to get a room at our group rate. Find the registration form on our website at It was also included with last month’s NG Happenings email. Start planning your UFOs or new projects to bring – we always have fun! 



Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

January 2025 Neighborhood Group Meetings & Upcoming Special Events

Happy New Year! Start it out right with some time spent sewing with friends. Our Neighborhood Groups have a wide variety of projects planned so you’re sure to find one or two – or more that pique your interest. And remember to check our Facebook page often to keep up with the fun. Go to Facebook and search for American Sewing Guild Fort Wayne IN Chapter.

*  Monday, January 6 – Birds of a Feather NG celebrating Singer Featherweights, 12:30 p.m. at the Delphos Public Library ANNEX ROOM (a separate building behind the library), 309 W. 2nd St., Delphos, OH 45833. (Corner of 2nd & N. Jefferson St.) Grab your Featherweight – it’s made to be taken out – some scrap fabric, thread, sewing tools and enjoy all things straight stitching and Featherweight sewing. Contact Kathy Stemen (

* Thursday, January 9 – Sew Inclined (formerly Southwest Sews and Pieced Together),
1:30-4 p.m. at the spacious UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). On the agenda is making Teddy Bears for donation to Project Linus. Some will already be cut out so bring a sewing machine or come to help stuff and hand sew openings closed. There is always open sewing, too. Bring something else if you want to work on it – we love to see what everyone’s doing. Contact Brenda Gensic ( / Debbie Morgan ( 

* Friday, January 10 - Angel Gowns Sewing Day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Conference Room C at PRMC. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend. If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown. Contact Barb Kramer (

* Tuesday, January 14 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. It’s all about gadgets this month so grab your favorite machine embroidery notion or tool. And, dig out the one you bought and you never use. We’ll have a ‘What was I thinking’ moment or two!  Contact Sherry Filson (

* Monday, January 20 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. Weather permitting, the meeting will feature their always lively Show & Tell and a program to be announced, optional lunch out afterwards.  Contact Marilyn Morgan (

* Tuesday, January 21 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon in a private home. It’s all about lingerie this month and next. Join the pros to tackle fit and sewing camisoles, and to delve into the making of bras that actually fit. Contact Darlene Hoover (

* Friday, January 31 – Let’s Sew Clothes NG, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, IN. Come and draft patterns, sew them up and get help and inspiration with designing, constructing, remaking clothes and even pattern hacking. This group has an unstructured format – bring your project and get to work. There is lots of space and we love sewing clothes. We also welcome anyone interested in learning about or working with Judy Kessinger's FitNice pattern system. Check it out at: Bring lunch or there are restaurants nearby. If you are new to the group, please contact Debbie Morgan, leader, for church entry instructions and information. (


Upcoming Special Events


Our annual Mystery Quilt

Mark Your Calendar! Fabric requirements and the first cutting instructions can be found on our website at The fun begins on YouTube, Saturday, February 8 at 10 a.m. and every hour thereafter until all the “clues” are revealed. If you are a first timer, just visit our You-Tube channel and watch previous Mystery Quilt videos to see what to expect.


Retreat Happiness!

Sewing, Quilting, Crafting Daytime Retreat, sponsored by Sew Creative, Van Wert NG will be held February 19-21 at the Middle Point Community Building at the Ballpark. This is a very popular, fun event the NG holds twice a year. Set up begins at 8:30 Wednesday, Feb. 19 with sewing beginning at 10 a.m. Doors open again at 9 a.m. each day. Cost is $40 for all three days. Find the registration form below. All members are welcome, but space is limited.



May 6-9 – Tuesday through Friday will be our Annual Chapter Sewing Retreat in Shipshewana.  We have some surprises in store for you! If you haven’t already, reserve your sleeping room at the Blue Gate Garden Inn.  Be sure to tell them you are with the Fort Wayne Chapter, ASG to get a room at our group rate. Find the registration form and further information below. Start planning your UFOs or new projects to bring – we always have fun!

Sew Creative NG Van Wert Retreat Form
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Fort Wayne Chapter Annual Spring Shipshewana Retreat
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.7 MB

Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

November 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings & Upcoming Chapter Events

Happy news: We had record attendance at our Annual Meeting last month. If you couldn’t attend, check out the fun and get inspired on our Facebook page at American Sewing Guild Fort Wayne, IN Chapter. Now it’s time to look ahead to 2025 and that’s what our Neighborhood Groups have on their ‘to do’ list this month. Join us and bring your ideas for topics you would like to see and for those you would like to present.

* Friday, November 8 - Angel Gowns Sewing Day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

* Tuesday, November 12 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Planning Session - Contact Sherry Filson (

* Thursday, November 14 – Southwest Sews and Pieced Together, 1:30-4 p.m. at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). Our Neighborhood Groups are merging next year so we are having a joint planning session. We will also work on finishing some much-needed mastectomy pillows for Lutheran Hospital’s Cancer Resource Center. Contact Debbie Morgan ( / Brenda Gensic (

* Monday, November 18 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. Planning session, plus Janice H will show how to do a version of ‘Quilt As You Go’. Optional lunch out afterwards.  Contact Marilyn Morgan (

* Tuesday, November 19 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon in a private home.  Planning Session - Contact Darlene Hoover (


*  Monday, December 2 – Second meeting of our new Singer Featherweight NG, 12:30 p.m. at the Delphos Public Library ANNEX ROOM (a separate building behind the library), 309 W. 2nd St., Delphos, OH 45833. (Corner of 2nd & N. Jefferson St.) Guest speaker will be Linda Croy, Featherweight educator and shop owner. Linda will have several machines to admire as well as her topic "All About the Singer Featherweight." She will also bring a variety of tools and parts available for purchase. Contact Kathy Stemen (

Annual Christmas Party Coming Up!


Celebrate the holidays with our annual potluck Christmas party on Tuesday, December 10. The fun begins at 6 p.m. and includes yummy food and an ‘Ugly Fabric’ exchange. Bring a dish to share and at least 1 yard of fabric wrapped or 'sacked' – somehow disguised. It will be held at the Southwest Fort Wayne home of Betsy Gemmer again this year. Please email Betsy at to sign up. 

Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

October 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Event

Grab a pumpkin spice latte! Fall is here and that means it’s time to enjoy crisp weather, colorful foliage and maybe more time to sew! Take a look at what’s happening in our neighborhood groups – and get ready to sign up to attend the Annual Meeting we have planned for you later in the month. We have two special guests you won’t want to miss! First, we have a new NG meeting this month.

     Love your Singer Featherweight – or aspire to have one to love? We have a new neighborhood group dedicated to this rugged, light weight beauty! Our Featherweight NG will hold its first meeting Monday, October 7 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Delphos Public Library, 309 W. Second St., Delphos, OH. Grab your Featherweight if you have one – it’s made to be taken out – some scrap fabric, thread, and sewing tools and join the fun. For information, contact Kathy Stemen, group leader 419-204-9383 or email

     Their second meeting will be Monday, December 2 at 12:30 p.m. at the Delphos Public Library ANNEX ROOM (a separate building behind the library).309 W. 2nd St., Delphos, OH 45833. (Corner of 2nd & N. Jefferson St) Guest speaker will be Linda Croy, Featherweight educator and shop owner. Linda will have several machines to admire as well as her topic "All About the Singer Featherweight." She will also bring a variety of tools and parts for the Featherweight available for purchase. 

Also this month:

* Friday, October 4 - Judy’s Girls, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. We’re having fun working on top variations. And this month our NG has used the money the chapter provides each NG annually for our projects to purchase Judy’s wonderful 60-inch-wide Pattern Ease! Join us and we’ll use it to draft a pattern variation. Our plan is to wear our newly created fall top or pants for all to see at our Annual Meeting on October 28. Contact Debbie for church entry instructions (

* Tuesday, October 8 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne.  Sherry will teach us how to embroider on a ‘fabric’ that isn’t one you would usually consider … screening! Contact Sherry Filson (

* Friday, October 11 - Angel Gowns Sewing Day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

* Monday, October 21 –Come and join us for the fun of seeing how this block comes together and what the final quilt looks like! We will also have our lively Show and Tell, as well as an optional lunch at a local restaurant afterwards.  Contact Marilyn Morgan (

* Tuesday, October 22 - Pieced Together NG will hold another popular daylong sew-in from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Everyone is welcome. Join them to work on children’s quilts for Project Linus or bring something you want to work on.  Contact Brenda Gensic (


Neighborhood Group Notes:


Southwest Sews NG will not meet this month, but they will return on November 14, 1:30-4 p.m. at the UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). Contact Debbie Morgan (


Garment District NG will not meet this month, but you can look forward to seeing the group’s members wearing the blouses they have worked on this year at our Annual Meeting on October 28. It will be inspiring – and impressive! They will return on their regular meeting day and time in November. Contact Darlene Hoover (



Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

September 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Events


Happy National Sewing Month!  It’s our special time to celebrate and there’s plenty of sewing fun going on for our chapter in the coming weeks. Take a look and let’s plan to get together and SEW!


* Tuesday, September 10 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne.  Darlene will teach us the ins and outs of that always tricky Design Placement. Don’t miss this one! Contact Sherry Filson (


* Thursday, September 12 – Southwest Sews, 1:30-4 p.m. at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). Join us for a Purse Palooza program featuring Marilyn Morgan, chapter president, who turned her love of making purses for herself and family into a business, complete with her own industrial sewing machine. Join us to hear about her journey and see many of her purses. Her purse designs include roomy backpacks, shoulder bags, cross-body styles, clutches and wallets. She will also provide sewing tips and tricks as well as ideas for making this practical necessity reflect your unique style and personality. You will have an opportunity to purchase her purses. (See pictures.)  Contact Debbie Morgan (


* Friday, September13 - Angel Gowns Sewing Day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

A big congratulations goes to our Angel Gowns Group! Here’s the scoop from leader Barb Kramer: “The Angel Gowns group mailed or hand delivered 221 gowns to area Parkview and Lutheran hospitals in August.  We also sent 34 gowns to a hospital in California!  I’m very proud of our group.” As are we all!


* Monday, September16 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. Lydia Young from our chapter will talk about her journey in machine embroidery. We are looking forward to getting to know Lydia a little better and maybe pick her brain on all thing’s embroidery. Optional lunch out afterwards at our favorite Mexican Restaurant. Show & Tell should have some fabulous projects from our Middle Point sew-in.  Contact Marilyn Morgan (


* Tuesday, September 17 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon in a private home.  They are continuing their process to make a blouse. This meeting they will focus on how to use our embroidery machine to make the buttonholes for our blouse. Contact Darlene Hoover (


* Tuesday, September 24 - Pieced Together NG will hold a daylong sew-in from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. (This was scheduled for August but had to be canceled.) Everyone is welcome. Join them to work on children’s quilts for Project Linus.  Brenda has a super cute dog pattern, or everyone can select a quilt pattern they want to do: baby, toddler, children or teen sizes. The NG has some fabrics already cut and ready to sew or bring your own for this stash busting charity sewing event. Contact Brenda Gensic (


Neighborhood Group Note:

            Judy’s Girls NG has been cancelled for September but will return on our regular first Friday meeting date next month – October 4.



Special Events Coming Up … Watch for more details here and on our Web  (

National Jelly Roll Day Sew-In, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, September 21 at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 6727 State Route 49, Convoy, OH. Enjoy a homecooked hearty lunch and door prizes! Cost is $20 for members; $23 for non-members. Gather a jelly roll and everything you need to turn it into a tried-and-true or a never tried quilt top. Or go small and make a new pieced sewing machine cover and matching pincushion. Or, bring your serger and make a pieced blouse! It’s up to you. And if you can’t decide bring several choices. There are always lots of creative ideas and helpful suggestions when we get together. Registration Deadline is September 16. Find the registration form attached to this email or on our website at:

October 28: ASG Annual Meeting and Election of Officers, lunch, and fun program at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). Mark your calendar and watch for details! 


Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

August 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Events

Welcome August! We have lots going on this month with our neighborhood groups as well as our annual car trip to shop for fabrics in Michigan. Yes, we’re in a good place this month! Check it out – we hope you will join us!


* Friday, August 2 - Judy’s Girls NG, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. We’re having fun working on top variations. Bring your Master top pattern and Pattern Ease to draft your pattern, along with fabric so you can leave with yours ready to sew or bring your sewing machine and stitch it up. If you are new to the group, please contact Debbie for church entry instructions and information (


* Thursday, August 8 – Southwest Sews, 1:30-4 p.m. at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). It’ll be a day of making unique, pieced potholders. Bring ideas, favorite patterns, and fabric. The NG is donating the Insul-bright. Contact Debbie Morgan (


* Friday, August 9 - Angel Gowns Sewing Day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (


* Tuesday, August 13 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne.  Sherry will present her Free-Standing Lace program. Watch for many samples of her beautiful free-standing lace machine embroideries! Contact Sherry Filson (


* Monday, August 19 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. Marilyn will take you through three free sewing patterns for gift giving: 1/ Little gift for a sewing retreat attendee; 2/ Little clean gift for your car/truck/RV; and 3/ New approach for a zipper pouch. Contact Marilyn Morgan (


* Tuesday, August 27 - Pieced Together NG will hold a daylong sew-in from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Everyone is welcome. Join them to work on children’s quilts for Project Linus.  Brenda has a super cute dog pattern or everyone can select a quilt pattern they want to do: baby, toddler, children or teen sizes. The NG has some fabrics already cut and ready to sew or bring your own for this stash busting charity sewing event. Contact Brenda Gensic (


Neighborhood Group changes this month:


* Garment District is headed to Field’s Fabric Store for their annual August car trip that has now become a chapter favorite special event. See details below. Next month, the group will continue working on their blouse project learning how to put in buttonholes with your embroidery machine. Fast, fun, and perfect every time! Contact Darlene Hoover (


                                                     Special Events Coming Up 

August 20: Road trip to Field’s Fabrics in Kalamazoo, MI leaving at 8:30 a.m. from the parking lot at JoAnn Fabrics, Fort Wayne. Please RSVP to Special Events Chair Julie Harber if you will be attending and let her know if you would be willing to be a driver. Cost is $7 which will go to the driver. Drivers do not pay. Field’s Fabrics is a favorite for garment sewers and quilters alike and there are additional fabric stores there you may want to visit: for quilters - Quilts Plus and Pink Lady Quilts; and for fabulous garment fabrics and yarn, Fabrications is a must to visit. Contact Julie at

September 21: National Jelly Roll Day Sew-In at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Convoy, Ohio. Yummy lunch planned! Watch for details soon.

October 28: ASG Annual Meeting and Election of Officers, lunch, and fun program at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). Mark your calendar and watch for details!



Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

July 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Events

Happy 4th of July! We have lots going on this month with our neighborhood groups as well as two Chapter Special events. Check it out – we hope to see you there!


* Friday, July 5 - Judy’s Girls NG, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. We’re having fun working on top variations. Bring your Master top pattern and Pattern Ease to draft your pattern, along with fabric so you can leave with yours ready to sew. If you are new to the group, please contact Debbie for church entry instructions. Contact Marilyn Morgan ( or Debbie Morgan (


* Tuesday, July 9 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church. 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne.  Lydia will present a pretty pillow embroidery that she designed. Contact Sherry Filson (

* Thursday, July 11 - Special Event our Annual Christmas in July will be held from 1-4 p.m. at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant). Spend the afternoon creating a holiday gift, tree or package ornament, and even a sweet kitchen towel and potholder. Check out the projects our neighborhood group leaders have planned and the supplies and any special notes about them on our website at: Watch your email for some ‘teasers’ about them, too! Punch and cupcakes planned. Contact Julie Harber, Special Events Chair (

* Friday, July 12 - Angel Gowns Sewing Day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

* Monday, July 15 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. Join the fun as they ‘uncover’ the how-tos to make a disappearing four patch! Cindy H. will explain three options with a demo, samples, and handouts.  Contact Marilyn Morgan (

* Friday, July 19: Road trip to the One Stop Quilt Shop Hop at the Honeywell Center, Wabash, IN. Pieced Together has organized a car trip leaving at 9 a.m. from the Kroger Store at Covington Plaza, West Jefferson Street. – just off I-69. Park at the other end of that plaza in the Children’s Autism Center lot. Look for our chapter’s blue sign in the lot. Contact Brenda Gensic if you will be joining them. (


* Garment District NG is moving to Tuesday, July 23. Here’s the scoop: 10 a.m. to noon, in a private home.  They are continuing their process to make a blouse. This meeting they will focus on sleeve plackets. Darlene will demonstrate the techniques to make two types of plackets to use on a sleeve. Everyone is welcome. Contact Darlene Hoover (


Neighborhood Group changes this month:


* Southwest Sews NG will not have its regular meeting, but we hope to see them all at our Christmas in July taking place that day at the Union Hall. Southwest Sews will return on
August 8 for a day of making unique, pieced potholders. Bring ideas, favorite patterns, and fabric. The NG is donating the Insul-brite. Contact Debbie Morgan (


* Pieced Together NG will not meet this month but will return August 27 with a daylong sew-in from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Everyone is welcome. Bring something you want to sew or come help make blankets for Project Linus. The NG has fabrics – some already cut and ready to sew for Project Linus. Contact Brenda Gensic (


Special Events Coming Up … Watch for more details here and on our Web  (

August 20: Road trip to Field’s Fabrics in Kalamazoo, MI leaving from the parking lot at JoAnn Fabrics, Fort Wayne

September 21: National Jelly Roll Day Sew-In at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Convoy, Ohio. Yummy lunch planned! Watch for details.

 October ??: ASG Annual Meeting at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant)

                                                                             Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

June 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Events

Happy Summer! Check out this rundown of sewing fun awaiting us this month. And be sure to bring Show & Tell.

* Friday, June 7- Judy’s Girls NG, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. We’re having fun working on top variations. Bring your Master top pattern and Pattern Ease to draft your pattern, along with fabric so you can leave with yours ready to sew. If you are new to the group, please contact Debbie for church entry instructions. Contact Marilyn Morgan ( or Debbie Morgan (

* Tuesday, June 11 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church. 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Karen Dingus is going to share her love of aprons with us! Along with her trunk show of these handy coverups, she will teach us how to embroider on aprons and how to cover a logo on an apron.  Contact Sherry Filson (


*  Thursday, June 15 - Southwest Sews NG, 1:30-4 p.m. at the UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant).  It’s finish a UFO afternoon for this group. Join us! Bring a UFO – sewing, crochet, anything goes. We’ll have a “UFO Show & Tell” then get to work. Our heart mastectomy pillow community service project continues as well if you would prefer to sew or stuff these. Contact Debbie Morgan (

* Monday, June 17 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. Marilyn will demo how to make those really cute and sturdy rope bowls. Join the fun! Contact Marilyn Morgan (


* Tuesday, June 18 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon, in a private home.  Garment District is continuing their process to make a blouse. This month, they are going to practice sewing the collar and neck band onto the neckline. They won't be sewing on their actual blouses. Use scraps you have on hand and cut out the neck bands, collars, back yoke, front bodices about mid armhole, and front plackets the length of your front bodice. Ladies are going to bring their sewing machines so they can practice what Darlene demonstrated to them last month. Everyone is welcome. Contact Darlene Hoover (

* Tuesday, June 25 – Pieced Together NG, 10 a.m. to noon, Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. All things AccuQuilt Go! Janet Turnbow and Debbie Morgan will bring their AccuQuilt die-cut machines for demo. Bring scraps of fabric to try out these fun, hand-crank puppies.  Contact Brenda Gensic (

* * *

* Angel Gowns Sewing Day will be held Friday, June 14 in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

* CAB will hold its monthly meeting at 11 a.m. Monday, June 10 at Hall’s Commissary, 216 Highway 930W, New Haven. Everyone is welcome. We’ll have lunch after our meeting.

* Sew Fun NG continues its hiatus while we look for a permanent leader. It was initially called Sew Inclined and has been a staple of our chapter for many years. It is our only evening group. Please contact Marilyn Morgan, chapter president, if you are interested.


Special Events Coming Up … Watch for more details here.

LOCATON CHANGE: July 11: Christmas in July will now be held at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant)

July 19 & 20: Road trip to the One Stop Quilt Shop Hop at the Honeywell Center, Wabash, IN

August 20: Road trip to Field’s Fabrics in Kalamazoo, MI leaving from JoAnn Fabrics, Fort Wayne

September 21: National Jelly Roll Day Sew-In at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Convoy, Ohio

October ??: ASG Annual Meeting at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant)



Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

May 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Events

Happy Mother’s Day ‘Month’to all! Here’s a rundown of sewing fun awaiting us this month. And be sure to bring Show & Tell with you!


* Friday, May 3- Judy’s Girls NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. We won’t be meeting all day this month but even in our abbreviated time slot we can get a new variation drafted, brainstorm new designs to make and work together to get a pattern made. Bring your Master top pattern and Pattern Ease to draft your pattern, along with fabric so you can leave with yours ready to sew. If you are new to the group, please contact Debbie for church entry instructions. Contact Marilyn Morgan ( or Debbie Morgan (


* Tuesday, May 14 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church. 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Contact Sherry Filson ( for project details.


*  Thursday, May 9 - Southwest Sews NG, 1:30-3 p.m. at the UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant).  Join us for our very own Live Zoom Class at 2 p.m. with Schmetz Needle Spokesperson Rhonda Pierce and get the low-down about how this little piece of steel can solve some very BIG problems, including broken threads, skipped stitches and puckered fabrics. You will also leave with a free copy of Schmetz Needle color coding chart so you can easily tell the type and size of every stray needle. Contact Debbie Morgan (


* Monday, May 20 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. Bet you don’t have a UFO in your sewing room. Haha! Who doesn’t have not one but even more? Pick one and bring it! We’re going to do ‘UFO Show & Tell’ for our meeting so be prepared to tell us all about it – and enjoy some encouragement from the group for getting it under the needle at last! Oh, we’ll also have our usual Sew & Tell after that. We want to see your finished masterpieces, too. Contact Marilyn Morgan (

* Tuesday, May 21 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon, in a private home.  Garment District is continuing their process to make a blouse. This month, they are going to learn how to attach the neck band and collar to their blouse. Darlene will demonstrate the method described by Nora Baird on the ASG website. It's not too late to join the fun! Contact Darlene Hoover (

* Tuesday, May 28 – Pieced Together NG, 10 a.m. to noon, Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Bring four coordinating fat quarters and create a darling 24” x 24” table topper! Debbie Morgan will present this fast, fun and easy project.  Contact Brenda Gensic (

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* Angel Gowns Sewing Day will be held Friday, May 10 in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

* Sew Fun NG continues its hiatus while we look for a permanent leader. It was initially called Sew Inclined and has been a staple of our chapter for many years. It is our only evening group. Please contact Marilyn Morgan, chapter president, if you are interested.


Special Events Coming Up 

July 11: Christmas in July at the Dupont Library

July 19 & 20: Road trip to the One Stop Quilt Shop Hop at the Honeywell Center, Wabash, IN

August 20: Road trip to Field’s Fabrics in Kalamazoo, MI leaving from JoAnn Fabrics, Fort Wayne

September 21: National Jelly Roll Day Sew-In at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Convoy, Ohio


October ??: ASG Annual Meeting at UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant)

Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

April 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Events

Spring has sprung and there’s a lot happening! Here’s a rundown and be sure to bring Show & Tell to inspire us!

* Friday, April 5 - Judy’s Girls NG, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Continuing our own 'designs' using various pieces from Judy’s many variations along with her tried and true - keep it simple - sewing techniques. If you have seen something you want to make in ready-to-wear, bring a picture. We'll work together to get a pattern made. Bring your Master top pattern and Pattern Ease to draft your pattern, along with fabric so you can leave with yours ready to sew. If you are new to the group, please contact Debbie for church entry instructions. Contact Marilyn Morgan ( or Debbie Morgan (


* Tuesday, April 9 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church. 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Contact Sherry Filson ( for project details.


* Thursday, April 11 - Southwest Sews NG, 1:30-4 p.m. at the UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant).  We’re beginning with a Community Sew-in! Help us make lots of needed heart pillows for post mastectomy patients. These will be
donated to Lutheran Hospital’s Cancer Care Center. Bring your machine or help by cutting out and/or stuffing pillows. There will also be an organizational meeting
to discuss topics for upcoming meetings. Contact Debbie Morgan (


* Monday, April 15 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. (This month’s topic was originally scheduled for March but had to be delayed.) Notions that change the way you sew! Bring your favorite sewing notion. Marilyn will showcase a variety of new notions on the market as well as notion hacks from non-sewing stores!  Contact Marilyn Morgan (

* Tuesday, April 16 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon, in a private home.  Garment District is continuing in their process to make a blouse. They are working with a lot of different blouse patterns that ladies have chosen. It's not too late to join the fun! Contact Darlene Hoover (

* Tuesday, April 23 – Pieced Together NG, April meeting is canceled so members may attend the chapter retreat. Contact Brenda Gensic (

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* Angel Gowns Sewing Day will be held Friday, April 12 in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

* Sew Fun NG continues its hiatus while we look for a permanent leader. It was initially called Sew Inclined and has been a staple of our chapter for many years. It is our only evening group. Please contact Marilyn Morgan, chapter president, if you are interested.


And Special Event Coming Up …


April 23-26 – Tuesday through Friday will be our Annual Chapter Sewing Retreat in Shipshewana. It’s not too late to sign up! Come for the day if you can’t stay. We have some surprises in store for you! If you haven’t already, reserve your sleeping room at the Blue Gate Garden Inn.  Be sure to tell them you are with the Fort Wayne Chapter, ASG to get a room at our group rate. The registration sheet for the sewing room can be found on GroupWorks and our website at Start planning your UFOs or new projects to bring – we always have fun!


Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

March 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Events

It’s March and that means it’s time to spring into daylight savings time on the 10th, put a spring in our step to mark St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th and herald the Spring Equinox on the 19th. And, spring forward the whole 31 days because March is also National Craft Month! Let’s celebrate this busy month with some sewing/quilting fun! Here’s what’s coming up:

* Friday, March 8 - Judy’s Girls NG, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. This year we are doing our own 'designs' using various pieces from Judy’s many variations along with her tried and true - keep it simple - sewing techniques. If you have seen something you want to make in ready-to-wear, bring a picture. We'll work together to get a pattern made. Bring your Master top pattern and Pattern Ease to draft your pattern, along with fabric so you can leave with yours ready to sew. If you are new to the group, please contact Debbie for church entry instructions. Contact Marilyn Morgan ( or Debbie Morgan (

* Tuesday, March 12 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church. 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Brenda Gensic will present how to make a Stained Glass Window embroidery on organza. Adhere it to a glass block and add a string of lights and you’ll have a pretty centerpiece for your Easter table. Contact Sherry Filson (


* Monday, March 18 – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. This month’s topic: Notions that change the way you sew! Bring your favorite sewing notion. Marilyn will showcase a variety of new notions on the market as well as notion hacks from non-sewing stores!  Also: Bring your Mystery Quilt… finished or not! Contact Marilyn Morgan (


* Tuesday, March 19 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon, in a private home.  Garment District is continuing in our process to make a blouse. Last meeting we learned about a technique for attaching the neckband and collar to the blouse neckline. We will bring our samples to the next meeting. We are working with a lot of different blouse patterns that ladies have chosen. It's not too late to join us for some fun! Contact Darlene Hoover (

* Tuesday, March 25 – Pieced Together NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church. Contact Brenda Gensic ( for project details.

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* Angel Gowns Sewing Day will be held Friday, March 8 in Conference Room C at PRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

* Southwest Sews will begin meeting at the UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant) in April. Date and time to be announced – watch for information on Groupworks.  Contact Debbie Morgan (

* Sew Fun NG is on hiatus for the rest of the year while we look for a permanent leader. It was initially called Sew Inclined and has been a staple of our chapter for many years. It is our only evening group. Please contact Marilyn Morgan, chapter president, if you are interested.


And Special Events Coming Up …


March 22 - HoopSisters Trunk Show & Sale, 2-4 p.m. in the Administration Building at the Van Wert County Fairgrounds on US 127 in Van Wert. The program will feature a trunk show and talk by the nationally known HoopSisters with their award-winning designs, sought-after products, and cutting-edge machine embroidery techniques. We’ll have an opportunity to purchase HoopSisters products after the trunk show. In addition, a day or two prior to the event they will provide us with a private Facebook page where we can get to know them, their products and watch some instructional videos. Members get in free if you register by March 15, after that you pay the non-member $5 cash charge at the door. Register by going to our website at and clicking on the link in the article about the event. Bring a friend or two!


April 23-26 – Tuesday through Friday will be our Annual Chapter Sewing Retreat in Shipshewana.  We have some surprises in store for you! If you haven’t already, reserve your sleeping room at the Blue Gate Garden Inn.  Be sure to tell them you are with the Fort Wayne Chapter, ASG to get a room at our group rate. The registration sheet for the sewing room can be found on GroupWorks and our website at Start planning your UFOs or new projects to bring – we always have fun!





Fort Wayne Chapter, American Sewing Guild

February 2024 Neighborhood Group Meetings
& Upcoming Chapter Events

Happy Valentine’s Day/Month! Celebrate by sharing your love of sewing, quilting, machine embroidering and all things sewing with us. Here’s what’s coming up this month.

* Tuesday, Feb. 13 – Machine Embroidery NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church. 4900 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Janice Pemberton will present how to make a welt pocket using machine embroidery.  Contact Sherry Filson (

* Monday, Feb. 19 (weather permitting) – Van Wert Sew Creative NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Trinity Friends Church, 605 North Franklin St., Van Wert, Ohio. Jill Metzger from Decatur will take us on her pattern-making journey for Annie’s Crafts in Berne. Also, attendees are asked to bring a pin cushion that is either an heirloom or a favorite and be prepared to talk about it.  Contact Marilyn Morgan (

* Tuesday, Feb. 20 – Garment District NG, 10 a.m. to noon, in a private home.  (January meeting was canceled due to weather.) This year Garment District is going to be making a blouse, learning various techniques through the course of the year that include how to sew a collar with a stand, how to do a front placket and sleeve placket and how to do buttonholes with your embroidery machine. Please bring a blouse that fits you well and a pattern that has a collar with a separate stand, front placket opening and long sleeves with cuffsContact Darlene Hoover (

* Tuesday, Feb. 27 – Pieced Together NG, 10 a.m. to noon at Peace Lutheran Church. (January meeting was canceled due to weather.) Time to finish the second Hero Quilt to be donated to a veteran’s facility in Indianapolis. Bring your sewing machine or man the iron – there are many blocks to put together! Contact Brenda Gensic (

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Angel Gowns Sewing Day will be held Friday, Feb. 9 in Conference Room C at PRMC from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend! If you can sew a ¼-inch seam, you can sew an angel gown! Contact Barb Kramer (

Judy’s Girls NG will be back in March.  Watch for information on Groupworks. Contact Marilyn Morgan ( or Debbie Morgan (

* Southwest Sews will begin meeting monthly at the UAW Local 2209 Union Hall, 5820 East 900 North, Roanoke (near the GM Plant) next month. Date and time to be announced – watch for information on Groupworks.  Contact Debbie Morgan (

* Sew Fun NG is on hiatus for the rest of the year while we look for a permanent leader. It was initially called Sew Inclined and has been a staple of our chapter for many years. It is our only evening group. Please contact Marilyn Morgan, chapter president, if you are interested.


Yippee! Special Event … Our annual Mystery Quilt!

It’s almost here! Fabric requirements and the first cutting instructions can be found on GroupWorks and our website. The fun begins on YouTube, Saturday, February 10 at 10 a.m. and every hour thereafter until all the “clues” are revealed. If you are a first timer, just visit our You-Tube channel and watch previous Mystery Quilt videos to see what to expect. Find our YouTube channel by searching for @asgftwayne398.


And coming up …


April 23-26 – Tuesday through Friday will be our Annual Chapter Sewing Retreat in Shipshewana.  We have some surprises in store for you! If you haven’t already, reserve your sleeping room at the Blue Gate Garden Inn.  Be sure to tell them you are with the Fort Wayne Chapter, ASG to get a room at our group rate. The registration sheet for the sewing room can be found on GroupWorks and our website at Start planning your UFOs or new projects to bring – we always have fun!